The Wöltingerode Monastery Distillery receives the 2022 Federal Honor Award for Spirits

Bundesehrenpreis 2022

On Tuesday, 11.10.2022 in the State Representation of Saarland in Berlin, the Monastery Distillery Wöltingerode was awarded the Federal Honor Award 2022 in the category of spirits.
The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) awarded the best 8 fruit juice and spirits producers with the Bundesehrenpreis. The highest award in the German food industry.

Presentation of the Federal Honor Award. From left to right: Dr. Diedrich Harms – Vice President of DLG, Mr. Dany Mailah – Master Distiller KBW, Mr. Martin Rahmann – Managing Director KBW, Dr. Katharina Böttcher -Ministerial Director

Our master distiller Mr. Dany Mailah and Managing Director Martin Rahmann received the award from the Ministerial Director Dr. Katharina Böttcher and the Vice President of the DLG, Dr. Diedrich Harms.

One of the best

In our category of spirits producers, we were one of the best 8 out of 130 spirits producers in the whole country. The result is impressive. Of course, we congratulate all those who have also been awarded the Bundesehrenpreis this year.

Monastery Distillery at the Federal Honors Award Ceremony of the DLG. From left to right: Mr. Dany Mailah – Master Distiller , Mr. Bockris – Sales, Managing Director Mr. Martin Rahmann

The DLG Vice President called the consistent quality orientation of the Federal Honor Award winners exemplary. “Spirits producers are among the flagship companies that remain true to themselves even in challenging times and make quality the maxim of their daily activities. In doing so, they set trend-setting standards for quality, taste and enjoyment,” says Dr. Harms.

DLG quality test

With their strict testing criteria, laboratory analyses, and a jury of experts made up of sensory-trained testers, the DLG quality tests are among the most scientifically demanding and objective quality tests in the food industry. All products are subjected to extensive quality controls. The results of the sensory evaluation are supplemented by laboratory tests and packaging and labeling tests. The national award winners each achieved the best overall results in their industry.

Group photo: Federal Honor Award category spirits producer Source:

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