We pack your gifts!

The Christmas season is getting closer and closer. This year, there are many good reasons to give yourself and others a treat, after all, the crisis year 2020 left many wishes unfulfilled in many respects. One more reason to give good friends and companions a small gift in December. If you want to save yourself the pre-Christmas stress of gift hunting and shop without a mask, you’ll get your money’s worth in our online store.

All our 26 regular varieties are available here and convince with their high quality. This is proven not least by 26 medals from the DLG, which decorate our spirits with gold, silver or bronze. So if you want to give away individual bottles or treat yourself, you can’t go wrong at all. Genuine craftsmanship, Harz tradition, excellent quality and good taste are in every single bottling.

Our boxes for every taste

Not sure which variety to give as a gift and how to personalize it a bit? No problem? We have packed six ready-made gift packages for you, with which you are guaranteed to hit the right taste!

Gift box 1: For Wölti fans
1 bottle of marzipan liqueur “Harzipan” 0,5l
1 package fine artisan chocolate mix “Classic” 125g
Available here: Link https://woeltingerode-kiosk.de/produkt/geschenkbox-paket-1/

Gift box 2: For Christmas lovers
1 bottle liqueur “Delicious apple strudel” 0.5l
1 bottle of cinnamon liqueur “Warming cinnamon” 0.5l
Available here: Link https://woeltingerode-kiosk.de/produkt/geschenkbox-paket-2/

Gift box 3: For gourmets
1 bottle The Spiritual “Fine Raspberry” 0.5l
1 jar fruit mustard “Cranberry” 240g
Available here:Link https://woeltingerode-kiosk.de/produkt/geschenkbox-paket-3/

Gift box 4: For the big hunger
1 bottle of caraway liqueur “Mild caraway” 0.7l
1 bubble mead sausage 440g
1 jar onion chutney “red wine & rosemary” 175ml
2 Stamper
Available here: Link https://woeltingerode-kiosk.de/produkt/geschenkbox-paket-4/

Gift box 5: For Christmas angels
1 bottle of cinnamon liqueur “Warming cinnamon” 0.5l
1 bottle liqueur “Delicious apple strudel” 0.5l
1 bottle of marzipan liqueur “Harzipan” 0,5l
Available here: Link https://woeltingerode-kiosk.de/produkt/geschenkbox-paket-5

Gift box 6: For (hobby) bartenders
1 bottle “1682 Edel Gin” 0,5l incl. Wooden box
1 bottle of lemon liqueur “Cita” 0,5l
Available here: Link https://woeltingerode-kiosk.de/produkt/geschenkbox-paket-6/

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