Our philosophy

From the values that determine our actions: To continue original, timeless processes of monastic tradition in order to carry on quality. Experience the genuine character of original. Adhere to rules to provide security with stable conditions. Leave the constraints of everyday life, decelerate the stress of time, so that everything develops in peace and harmony. Be on site. Taking care personally. Stand for consistency and partnership ethics of conducting business with the credibility of personal authority.

We distill, brew and cultivate authentic worlds of pleasure from what nature can give us in its originality. We create honest products through transparent performance and thus profess to be special. Because the special is what we promise you as a connoisseur. With our products we convey the awareness of the values of monastic life.

Our manufacturing processes are artisanal and natural. We use raw materials from our own cultivation, distill using methods from more than 300 years of tradition and give each product the time and ambience it needs to mature. Only in this way the original monastic quality of taste unfolds. Our desire to live with the beat of nature and our knowledge of the traditional values of nature, its flowers, fruits, herbs, roots and spices make it possible for our products to develop their true character.

We are excellent!

Our range of spirits has been awarded the certification “Typisch Harz”. Under the auspices of the Harz Tourism Association, the regional brand “Typisch Harz” (Typical Harz) recognizes products that stand for the Harz region with special regionality and quality and are produced locally with raw materials from the region.

Real quality needs strong roots

In Wöltingerode, spirits close to home have been distilled since 1682 – out of this tradition, the monastery distillery always sets the highest standards for its product range. We are all the more pleased about the “Prize for Longstanding Product Quality”, which has just been awarded to our distillery by DLG e.V.. The award stands for sustainable quality striving and is and honor and motivation at the same time.

Member of Slow Food Deutschland e.V.

The global Slow Food movement focuses on socially and environmentally responsible food that protects both biocultural diversity and animal welfare.

The monastery distillery Wöltingerode visiting the capital.

TV Berlin in conversation with our managing director Martin Rahmann at the Bar Convent Berlin – about new products, Harz distillery craft and the perfect monastery drink.

The Harz is at the feet of the Nordharzteufel!

The enthusiastic hiker regularly provides tips and inspiration for Harz tours and great hikes through the region on his homepage and on social media. The specialties from the monastery distillery Wöltingerode accompany him. Because Martin aka Nordharzteufel is not only good on his feet, but also takes great photos. We are very happy about this strong Harz cooperation!

Learn more on www.edelkorn.de

In the Association of German Noble Grain Distillers

As a member of the Bund Deutscher Edelkornbrenner (Association of German Fine Grain Distillers), we distinguish ourselves by 5 essential quality criteria:

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mit Verantwortung

Die Internetseite der Klosterbrennerei Wöltingerode enthält Werbe­informationen zu alkoholischen Getränken. Wir tragen Verantwortung und setzen uns im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen für einen verantwortungs­bewussten Umgang mit alkoholischen Getränken ein.

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