The barrel warehouse

Rest and time are important factors for a perfect spirit. Traditionally stored in oak barrels, we give our spirits about a year to rest and mature in our barrel storage. During this time, the walls of the oak barrels allow oxygen to enter the interior of the barrel without interruption. In this way, long-chain alcohol molecules are broken down into odors and flavors. This makes the taste of the maturing spirits unmistakable.

And not only that: the special way of storage also makes our spirits very palatable, as the long-chain alcohols of other spirits cause the well-known headache.

Our barrel warehouse is also a worthy ambience to taste our delicacies in peace and quiet – simply “enjoy with relish”.

© Bernd Gottsleben

Do you feel like getting a picture of it?

Visit our monastery estate and tour the monastery, distillery and barrel warehouse. You will receive exciting background knowledge about the production and storage of our noble compositions.

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