© Bernd Gottsleben

Guided tours of the monastery and distillery

Public taster tours without registration take place weekly on the following days at a price of 5.00 euros per person:

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays at 2 pm.

In addition, we organize individual guided tours for registered groups.
You are welcome to arrange a visit to the Klosterkrug Wöltingerode in connection with a guided tour.
We are looking forward to your registration!

Distillery tour (except public): For less than 10 people we charge a flat rate i. H. v. 50 €.

Please note the following

Since 1682, spirits have been distilled in our monastery – handcrafted and from the best regional ingredients. Get to know Wöltingerode Monastery and the traditional distilling processes of the monastery distillery several times a week during taster tours and special themed tours. The event traditionally ends with a tasting, where you can experience the taste of our specialties for yourself.

On these days there is a taster tour at 2 p.m. each day

There are no guided tours on the following holidays

Book your overnight stay at our monastery estate

For explorers and connoisseurs of our monastery estate, the monastery hotel of the Cellerar GmbH offers comfortable accommodation and a catering business in the building of the monastery hotel.

Taster tour

Duration about 1.0 h | max. 40 pers. |
5,00 €

Technical tour distillery

Duration about 1,5 h | max. 15 pers. |
9,00 €

Historical tour

Duration about 1,5 h | max. 20 pers. |
9,00 €

You want all the information about the estate at first hand?

Book a guided tour of the Wöltingerode monastery estate now.

Great monastery tour

Duration about 2.0 h | max. 25 pers. |
12,00 €

Salmon guide

Duration about 1.0 h | max. 40 pers. |
6,00 €

Lustvoll genießen
mit Verantwortung

Die Internetseite der Klosterbrennerei Wöltingerode enthält Werbe­informationen zu alkoholischen Getränken. Wir tragen Verantwortung und setzen uns im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen für einen verantwortungs­bewussten Umgang mit alkoholischen Getränken ein.

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