Book now our technical tour distillery!

During this tour of the historic monastery distillery you will learn many interesting things about the history of the distillery and about the art of making spirits, distilling the 96% fine spirit and preparing liqueurs. During the tour you will visit the old and new distillery, the barrel warehouse and the bottling plant.

Our distillery guides explain in detail how the Wöltingeroder wheat grain is created from wheat grains.

After you have learned everything about the production of our delicacies, there is the possibility to taste or buy all our specialties in the kiln or in the manor house.

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Die Internetseite der Klosterbrennerei Wöltingerode enthält Werbe­informationen zu alkoholischen Getränken. Wir tragen Verantwortung und setzen uns im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen für einen verantwortungs­bewussten Umgang mit alkoholischen Getränken ein.

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