Book our Historical Tour now!

During this tour you will visit many buildings on the grounds of Wöltingerode Monastery. You will experience its eventful history in detail and up close.

The monastery adventure trail takes you through the old distillery, the church, the cloister, Sister Regula’s room, the old residential wing of the nuns and the courtyard with the inscriptions. In the summer months, the tour additionally leads through the herb garden.

After your tour, we cordially invite you to taste our distilled specialties in the manor house or the kiln.

Unfortunately, since weddings also take place in our church, it is not possible to visit at these times.

For less than 10 persons we charge a flat rate i. H. v. 75,- EUR

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Die Internetseite der Klosterbrennerei Wöltingerode enthält Werbe­informationen zu alkoholischen Getränken. Wir tragen Verantwortung und setzen uns im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen für einen verantwortungs­bewussten Umgang mit alkoholischen Getränken ein.

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